This work aims to analyze the memory of the occupation of the Irmã Dulce village in Teresina-PI, in the 1990s, highlighting the multiple ways in which the city manifests itself through its social agents and the relationship that arose with the need for a management that comes to characterize the urban space. We will also analyze the dynamics of the city as a place of social production and also as a place of great socio-spatial inequalities, generating the fragmentation of urban space and spatial segregation, through the different social structures existing in urban centers. In this context, the city of Teresina in the 1990s stands out as a stage of transformations and contrasts that gave rise to innovations in the urban body of the city, as well as bringing in its context a great complexity regarding the way men occupy their space in contemporary cities. In this context, the struggle of the urban poor (LIMA, A. J. 2003), in the late 1990s in Teresina, gave rise to a new configuration of urban space organization. The process of occupation of Vila Irmã Dulce brings the image of poor subjects fighting for the right to conquer a land space within the urban sphere.