The book discusses recent debates among Marxist
scholars in the field
of sociology of education. It focuses on the
scholarship of Michael
Apple in particular, who considered as one of the
major educational
theorist in the past three decades in North America.
The study begins
with a historical overview of the key developments
in Marxist
educational theory since the late 1970s. It then
offers an analysis and
assessment of Michael Apple s conceptual and
contributions to the debates among Marxist and
educational theorists. These debates include the
relevancy and
importance of social class, the arguments among
Marxists over the
relationship between the base and the superstructure,
Gramsci and
Lenin''s conception of hegemony, and the class
identity and location of
teacher. The study concludes with a number of
recommendations for
future research in Marxist educational theor
scholars in the field
of sociology of education. It focuses on the
scholarship of Michael
Apple in particular, who considered as one of the
major educational
theorist in the past three decades in North America.
The study begins
with a historical overview of the key developments
in Marxist
educational theory since the late 1970s. It then
offers an analysis and
assessment of Michael Apple s conceptual and
contributions to the debates among Marxist and
educational theorists. These debates include the
relevancy and
importance of social class, the arguments among
Marxists over the
relationship between the base and the superstructure,
Gramsci and
Lenin''s conception of hegemony, and the class
identity and location of
teacher. The study concludes with a number of
recommendations for
future research in Marxist educational theor