The branch of medicine that is concerned with the cause, prognosis, prevention and treatment of disorders of the blood is known as hematology. The diseases affecting the production of blood and its components, such as hemoglobin, blood cells, bone marrow, blood proteins, spleen, blood vessels, etc. are also under the scope of hematology. This field largely focuses on the conditions of the bone marrow and the lymphatic organs, including platelet and blood count irregularities. Organs that are fed by blood cells, such as lymph nodes, thymus, spleen and lymphoid tissue are also studied under this field. Some hematological disorders are bleeding disorders and cancers, hemophilia and blood clots. Lymphoma and leukemia are hematological malignancies. Complete blood count is the most common hematological test. It is generally performed to detect anemia, blood cancers, infections, clotting anomalies and immune system disorders. Other hematological tests are blood enzyme test, blood chemistry test and blood tests for assessing risks of heart diseases. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of hematology which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. It will also provide interesting topics for research which interested readers can take up. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.
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