They are born with average size and weight but do not grow as fast as other babies, so special charts are used to evaluate their growth, small, short hand and fingers, the palm crossed by a transverse palmar crease or simian crease, the fifth finger incurved with only one joint, delicate skin, fine, thin and sparse hair, dentition disorders with various characteristics. Muscle hypotonia is classically responsible for a large part of the difficulties in motor development, regardless of the individuality in the course of development, there are characteristic common elements.To establish a general pattern starts, first of all, from emphasizing that in this process there is a wide individual variation and there is a wide range of elements that act as facilitators or retarders of development, in this last group stand out for their importance, intercurrent diseases, especially heart disease.Characteristics:Short and round skull.Characteristic eyes: The eyes are oblique upwards from inside to outside. There is an obvious epicanthal fold involving the inner half of the upper eyelid. This is associated with a flat nasal bridge and tends to disappear as the child grows. The eyeball is not somewhat delayed, giving rise to the Gsicht arrow, the flat face, cited by observers in the past. Brushfield's spots may appear on the iris, but this sign is quickly obscured if the iris is darkly pigmented.