In Khulna city, there are 7 public and 65 private hospitals and clinics.The hospitals in Khulna City generate about 1581 kg of waste per day. Generation rate of waste per patient per day is little higher in the private hospitals (1.15 kg) than the public hospitals (0.69 kg). Most of the hospitals dispose their waste in the city corporation bins with other wastes as there are no particular legal provisions for the management of the clinical wastes. Some hospitals are taking the service of a NGO named Prodipan for better management of waste. The management system of waste comprises of the disposal system, collection, transportation and final disposal method of wastes. If clinical waste is not managed properly, waste collectors, related health professionals and general people may be affected by various contagious diseases like: injury related spread of HIV, HBV and HCV, skin disease, asthma, diarrhea, allergy, eye irritation etc. In this study all attempts has been made to review ofexisting clinical waste management scenario of Khulna City and to put forward some recommendations for its improvement.