Coastal Tuna is an intriguing mystery novel involving the fishing industry and set in the world of reality television. The story revolves around Marlin Denton, who takes over a popular cable fishing show after the murder of the previous producer. As he attempts to continue the show at Mallard Cove Marina on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, he encounters stiff resistance from the former cast and crew from North Carolina, who don't want to see the show moved. Things take a dangerous turn when someone sets fire to one of the boats, nearly costing Marlin his life. This violent incident leads Marlin to realize that there is more at stake than he initially thought, and the death of the show producer might be connected to a larger conspiracy. But what is the underlying reason? Marlin and his friends work to unmask the killer and discover the motive behind the sabotage; they must race against time to prevent anyone else from being hurt in the battle with the now ex-cast members. Blending elements of mystery and suspense, as well as the world of fishing and reality television, this is a thrilling and suspenseful story that follows Marlin's journey to uncover the truth while keeping the new cast and crew safe from harm. Coastal Tuna is the fourth book in the Coastal Adventures Series by bestselling author Don Rich, but it can also be read as a stand-alone novel.
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