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  • Gebundenes Buch

An outstanding and currently the only comprehensive handbook for the coffee-professional. 40 authors from the leading coffee-growing countries present the most recent technologies applied to coffee husbandry. The book features 900 carefully selected illustrations, 300 of these in full color, which substantiate the written text. The handbook provides basic guidelines and recommendations which are applicable everywhere rather than referring to any specific country. Added to this, the reader will find numerous data tables and an overview of relevant information sources.
Was ist Kaffee? Ein

An outstanding and currently the only comprehensive handbook for the coffee-professional. 40 authors from the leading coffee-growing countries present the most recent technologies applied to coffee husbandry. The book features 900 carefully selected illustrations, 300 of these in full color, which substantiate the written text. The handbook provides basic guidelines and recommendations which are applicable everywhere rather than referring to any specific country. Added to this, the reader will find numerous data tables and an overview of relevant information sources.
Was ist Kaffee? Ein belebendes Heißgetränk, Einkommensquelle für Millionen (reicher und armer) Menschen, Kulturgut oder gar Mittelpunkt einer religiösen Philosophie? In 40 Kapiteln, auf über 600 Seiten mit rund 900 hervorragenden Illustrationen beantworten Ihnen in diesem Band Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt alle Fragen rund um die aromatische Bohne. Anbau, Ernte, Verarbeitung, Lagerung und Transport werden ebenso besprochen wie spezifische Qualitätsmerkmale. Eine Datensammlung und ein Glossar ergänzen den Text. Ein ausergewöhnliches, am Markt bislang einmaliges Handbuch für Kaffee-Experten!
A quick pick-me-up or a subtle beverage with an aroma that conjures up images of special moments shared with special people?
There's more to coffee than that. Apart from being a beautiful tree with fragrant flowers, coffee is also a culture, practically a religion to a certain elite and certainly a source of income to millions of people, rich and poor alike.
Coffee professionals around the world will find the specific information they need in this lavishly illustrated and practical work designed to answer all their questions about the coffee plant and how it is grown, harvested, processed and refined.
Specialists and experienced professionals were consulted and some 40 renowned international experts have contributed their specific knowledge and expertise to this comprehensive handbook, covering such topics as:
* Growing
* Pests, diseases, and their control
* Harvesting and processing
* Storage, shipment, quality
* The latest economical and technological aspects.
In addition, special indexes demystify such confusing data as information sources, conversion tables and other technicalities. With its 40 chapters, over 600 pages and 900 superb illustrations, this is a universally reliable manual, providing basic guidelines and recommendations applicable everywhere, and not geared to any specific country.

The coffee plant
Botany & genetics of coffee
Coffee selection and breeding
Coffee propagation
Biotechnology applied to coffee
Environmental factors suitable for coffee cultivation
Establishing a coffee plantation
Crop maintenance
Vermicomposting in coffee cultivation
Organic coffee
Frost in coffee crops
Importance of O.M and biological fertility in coffee soils
Sustainable coffee production
Shade Management and its effect on coffee growth and quality
Diversification and transition of coffee systems
Coffee pests in Africa
Major pests of coffee in Asia & Pacific Region
Nematodes in coffee
Coffee Diseases
Viral diseases in coffee
Resistance to Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease
Spraying equipment for coffee
Quarantine for coffee
Yield estimation & harvest periods
Harvesting and green coffee processing
Ecological processing and use of coffee waste
Green coffee storage
Shipment of green coffee
Green coffee bean classification
Green coffee defects
Factors influencing the quality of green coffee
Coffee bean quality
Economical aspects in coffee production
Units & Conversion tables
Infomation Source
Data on coffee
Acronyms & Glossary
Jean-Nicolas Wintgens is an agronomist who has worked throughout the coffee belt. He is now an independent consultant, previously working for Nestlé. His practical experience in the field, combined with the conviction that sustainable agriculture is the only way to secure the future of the world's coffee industry, inspired him to dedicate several years to compiling this book so as to meet the real needs of coffee professionals.
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LVT Lebensmittel Industrie 9/10 2004