Clearly choices of reference frames are of essential
importance in science. But most researchers in
cognitive and cultural processes have held lower
expectations for the results of their work than for
the work of the physical scientist.
Several researchers (Drs. Joseph Woelfel, George
Barnett, Jim Gillham, Edward Fink et al.) have
developed a series of procedures (usually called The
Galileo System TM) which standardize social science
methodology in a way consistent with physical
practice. This book examines that comparison process
and extends it to types of comparison not easily
feasible with existing Multidimensional Scaling.
This book also demonstrates the solution to the
problem of comparing datasets with different objects
or concepts. In this book, a software tool named CRD
Converter is created and treated as a juncture
between Galileo and CATPAC that is a self-organizing
artificial neural network computer program for
analyzing text. With an example of comparison of
users perceptions and online legal
policies, this book provides a model of the
procedures to develop a sound & well-rounded online
legal policy which maps more precisely on user s
importance in science. But most researchers in
cognitive and cultural processes have held lower
expectations for the results of their work than for
the work of the physical scientist.
Several researchers (Drs. Joseph Woelfel, George
Barnett, Jim Gillham, Edward Fink et al.) have
developed a series of procedures (usually called The
Galileo System TM) which standardize social science
methodology in a way consistent with physical
practice. This book examines that comparison process
and extends it to types of comparison not easily
feasible with existing Multidimensional Scaling.
This book also demonstrates the solution to the
problem of comparing datasets with different objects
or concepts. In this book, a software tool named CRD
Converter is created and treated as a juncture
between Galileo and CATPAC that is a self-organizing
artificial neural network computer program for
analyzing text. With an example of comparison of
users perceptions and online legal
policies, this book provides a model of the
procedures to develop a sound & well-rounded online
legal policy which maps more precisely on user s