This introduction to the study of cognitive neurosciences is a teaching program developed for a doctoral seminar through schematic presentations that emphasize the brain-mind relationship. It initially describes the macro- and microscopic structure of the central nervous system, the microstructure of neurons and neuroglial cells and describes the fine structures responsible for nervous and mental activity. It defines the multidisciplinary character of cognitive neurosciences and the cognitive hexagon integrated by basic and clinical neurosciences, cognitive psychology, neurocomputation, neurolinguistics, neurophilosophy and cognitive anthropology. A synthesis is made of new emerging disciplines such as neurotheology and neuroeducation. An analysis of synaptic contacts and brain circuits is made, emphasizing the neural correlate of language, learning and memory, consciousness, emotions, sleep, pain and stress. Notions about the neurobiology of music and multiple intelligences are established. A theory of mind and its application to the study of autism is outlined.