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Main description:
Throughout history, different fields of inquiry have attempted to understand the great mystery of mind and answer questions like: What is mind? How does it operate? What is consciousness? Only recently have these efforts in traditional and cutting edge disciplines become more united in their focus. Cognitive Science is the comprehensive result of the authors' drawing together of this work.
Key features:
-Includes numerous ancillaries to promote the book's effective use, a companion student website at featuring online student-friendly

Main description:
Throughout history, different fields of inquiry have attempted to understand the great mystery of mind and answer questions like: What is mind? How does it operate? What is consciousness? Only recently have these efforts in traditional and cutting edge disciplines become more united in their focus. Cognitive Science is the comprehensive result of the authors' drawing together of this work.

Key features:

-Includes numerous ancillaries to promote the book's effective use, a companion student website at featuring online student-friendly exercises, E-flash cards, and interactive quizzes; and an Instructors CD-ROM with a test bank, chapter outlines, PowerPoint slides, a sample syllabus, and ideas for student projects

- After introducing a major perspective, an `Evaluating' section discusses the strengths and weaknesses of that perspective `Thought Balloons' in margins further encourage students to think critically about key concepts;

- `In-Depth' boxes elaborate on specific models, illustrating them in concrete terms, and `Minds On' exercises help students to familiarize themselves with key concepts in a hands-on fashion;

- Student study is assisted via key terms (which are boldfaced and defined in context when first introduced), suggestions for further reading, and end-of-chapter `Food for Thought' discussion questions;

- Covers all the traditional concerns of cognitive science together with analysis of newer areas such as robotics and the evolutionary approach.

Cognitive Science is the perfect introductory textbook for cross-disciplinary courses on the mind in psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer science.

Review quote:
... Cognitive Science offers a well-developed summary of the major theoretical disciplines involved in cognitive science. Friedenberg and Silverman have written a clear and comprehensive text that will be an invaluable guide for both students and cognitive science teachers. This work offers an engaging, informative, and up-to-date discussion of both historical development and the current practice of cognitive science.. Thomas D. Parsons(Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of books, 20060810)

Table of contents:
A Brave New World
What is Cognitive Science
The Interdisciplinary Perspective
In Depth: Categories of Mental Representation
Minds On Exercise: Analogical Reasoning
The Philosophical Approach: Enduring Questions
The Mind-Body Problem
The Free Will and Determinism Debate
The Knowledge Acquisition Problem
The Mystery of Consciousness
Overall Evaluation of the Philosophical Approach
In Depth: Dennett's Multiple Drafts Theory of Consciousness
Minds On Exercise: Decision Making
The Psychological Approach: A Profusion of Theories
Psychology and the Scientific Method
Mental Atoms, Mental Molecules and a Periodic Table of the Mind: The Voluntarist Movement
Structuralism: What the Mind Is
Functionalism: What the Mind Does
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Mental Physics and the Gestalt Movement
Mini-minds: Mechanism and Psychoanalytic Psychology
Mind as a Black Box: the Behaviorist Approach
Overall Evaluation of the Psychological Approach
In Depth: Insight Learning
Minds On Exercise: Introspection
The Cognitive Approach I
Some History First: The Rise of Cognitive Psychology
The Cognitive Approach: Mind as an Information Processor
Modularity of Mind
Theories of Vision and Pattern Recognition
Theories of Attention
Evaluating the Model-Building Approach
In Depth: Biederman's Recognition-by-Components Theory of Pattern
Minds On Exercise: Silhouettes and Object Constancy
The Cognitive Approach II
Types of Memory
Memory Models
Visual Imagery
Problem Solving
Overall Evaluation of the Cognitive Approach
In Depth: Search in Working Memory
Minds On Exercise: Memory Effects
The Neuroscience Approach: Mind as Brain
Methodology in Neuroscience
The Small Picture: Neuron Anatomy and Physiology
The Big Picture: Brain Anatomy
The Neuroscience of Visual Object Recognition
The Neuroscience of Attention
The Neuroscience of Memory
The Neuroscience of Executive Function and Problem Solving
Overall Evaluation of the Neuroscience Approach
In Depth: Binding and Neural Synchrony
Minds On Exercise: Neural Functions
The Network Approach
The Network Approach: Mind as a Web
Principles Underlying Artificial Neural Networks
Characteristics of Artificial Neural Networks
Early Conceptions of Neural Networks
Back Propagation and Convergent Dynamics
Artificial Neural Network Typologies
Evaluating the Connectionist Approach
Semantic Networks: Meaning in the Web
Overall Evaluation of the Network Approach
In Depth: NETtalk
Minds On Exercise: Free Association
The Evolutionary Approach: Change over Time
Evolutionary Psychology
A Little Background: Selection and Genetics
Evolved Psychological Mechanisms
Evolution and Cognitive Processes
Evolutionary Computing
Artificial Life
Neural Darwinism
Evaluating the Evolutionary Approach
Overall Evaluation of the Evolutionary Approach
In Depth: A Stage Theory of Evolution
Minds On Exercise: Memory for Object Location
The Linguistic Approach
The Linguistic Approach: The Importance of Language
The Nature of Language
Primate Language Use
Language Acquisition
Language Deprivation
Philosophy and Linguistics: The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
Cognition and Linguistics: The Role of Grammar
Neuroscience and Linguistics: The Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Artificial Intelligence and Linguistics: Natural Language Processing
Overall Evaluation of the Linguistic Approach
In Depth: The Logogen Model of Word Recognition
Minds On Exercise: Conversational Pragmatics
Artificial Intelligence I: Definitional Perspective
Historical and Philosophical Roots
Defining Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI Methodologies
The Computer as the Tool of AI Research
Alan Turing and The Great Debate
Overall Evaluation of the AI Concept. Summarizing the Meaning of AI
In Depth: Behaviorism and Ned Block
Minds On Exercise: Play the IG game
Artificial Intelligence II: Operational Perspective
The Practical World of AI
Approaches to the Design of Intelligent Agents
Machine Intelligence, Knowledge and Machine Reasoning
Overall Evaluation of the Operational Perspective
In Depth: The ID3 Algorithm
Minds On Exercise: Decision Making
Robotics: The Ultimate Intelligent Agents
Some Robotic Achievements
Evaluating Robotic Potentials
Biological Foundations of Robotic Paradigms
Foundations of Robotic Paradigms
Robotic Paradigms
Overall Evaluation of Robots as Ultimate Intelligent Agents
In Depth: Autonomous Robot Architecture (AuRA)
Minds On Exercise: Relational Graphs
The Benefits of Cognitive Science
Working Memory: An Example of an Integrated Program of Study
Issues in Cognitive Science
Enhancing Cognitive Science
The Future
In Depth: Multiagent Systems
Minds On Exercise: Evaluating Theories of Mind
Jay Friedenberg is Associate Chair and Associate Professor of the Psychology Department at Manhattan College, where he directs the Cognitive Science program. He obtained his Ph.D. in cognitive psychology in 1995 at the University of Virginia. His academic interests are in the areas of vision and philosophy of mind. He teaches courses in introductory and physiological psychology, sensation and perception, and research methods.Dr. Friedenberg has an active research program, investigating the visual estimation of center of mass. He has published articles on symmetry detection and face perception. Dr. Friedenberg is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, The Psychonomic Society, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sigma Xi. He is a yoga instructor and lives in Riverdale New York with a fat cat called Mimi.
Gordon Silverman is Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Manhattan College, where he has taught since 1991. He holds degrees from Columbia University and Polytechnic University (Ph.D. in System Science). He has close to 40 years of industrial, research, and teaching experience and is particularly interested in the engineering applications of computers with special emphasis on instrumentation, data acquisition, and biomedicine. In addition to numerous research papers, he recently published his fourth book.