Peter StopherCollecting, Managing, and Assessing Data Using Sample Surveys
Peter Stopher is Professor of Transport Planning at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney. He has also been a professor at Northwestern University, Cornell University, McMaster University and Louisiana State University. Professor Stopher has developed a substantial reputation in the field of data collection, particularly for the support of travel forecasting and analysis. He pioneered the development of travel and activity diaries as a data-collection mechanism, and has written extensively on issues of sample design, data expansion, nonresponse biases and measurement issues.
List of figures
List of tables
1. Introduction
2. Basic statistics and probability
3. Basic issues in surveys
4. Ethics of surveys of human populations
5. Design a survey
6. Methods for conducting surveys of human populations
7. Focus groups
8. Design of survey instruments
9. Design of questions and question wording
10. Special issues for qualitative and preference surveys
11. Design of data collection procedures
12. Pilot surveys and pretests
13. Sample design and sampling
14. Repetitive surveys
15. Survey economics
16. Survey implementation
17. Web-based surveys
18. Coding and data entry
19. Data expansion and weighting
20. Nonresponse
21. Measuring data quality
22. Future directions in survey procedures
23. Documenting and archiving