Collections of the Main Botanical Garden is a national and world heritage. Currently the living collections comprise 18,259 taxa: 10729 species, varieties, forms and 7530 sorts of plants. They are placed in exposition and collection sites, "The Natural Flora" (1759 taxa), "Arboretum" (1564 taxa), "Ornamental Plants" (5690 taxa), "Cultivated Plants" (2478 taxa), "Japanese Garden" (100 taxa), "Stock Greenhouse" (6768 taxa). Cheboksary Branch collections include 2810 names of plants. Botanical Gardens in Russia participate in programs aimed at conserving species diversity in situ, including species recovery programs habitat restoration, the management of plant populations and ecosystems. They also develop and undertake planned programmes for the conservation of biodiversity ex situ, giving preference to plant species that are indigenous to their own region.