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Over the last two decades, the experiences of colonization and decolonization, once safely relegated to the margins of what occupied students of history and literature, have shifted into the latter's center of attention, in the West as elsewhere. This attention does not restrict itself to the historical dimension of colonization and decolonization, but also focuses upon their impact upon the present, for both colonizers and colonized.
The nearly fifty essays here gathered examine how literature, now and in the past, keeps and has kept alive the experiences - both individual and collective -

Over the last two decades, the experiences of colonization and decolonization, once safely relegated to the margins of what occupied students of history and literature, have shifted into the latter's center of attention, in the West as elsewhere. This attention does not restrict itself to the historical dimension of colonization and decolonization, but also focuses upon their impact upon the present, for both colonizers and colonized.

The nearly fifty essays here gathered examine how literature, now and in the past, keeps and has kept alive the experiences - both individual and collective - of colonization and decolonization. The contributors to this volume hail from the four corners of the earth, East and West, North and South. The authors discussed range from international luminaries past and present such as Aphra Behn, Racine, Blaise Cendrars, Salman Rushdie, Graham Greene, Derek Walcott, Guimarães Rosa, J.M. Coetzee, André Brink, and Assia Djebar, to less known but certainly not lesser authors like Gioconda Belli, René Depestre, Amadou Koné, Elisa Chimenti, Sapho, Arthur Nortje, Es'kia Mphahlele, Mark Behr, Viktor Paskov, Evelyn Wilwert, and Leïla Houari. Issues addressed include the role of travel writing in forging images of foreign lands for domestic consumption, the reception and translation of Western classics in the East, the impact of contemporary Chinese cinema upon both native and Western audiences, and the use of Western generic novel conventions in modern Egyptian literature.

Contents: Preface/Introduction. ASIAN MEMORIES/SOUVENIRS ASIATIQUES. Dolores ROMERO LÓPEZ: Redirections in Orientalism: Modernist Travel Literature and the 'Third Term'. Daisuke NISHIHARA: China As Japan's Orient: "Shinasumi" Writings and Paintings in the Taish_ Period. Kazue NAKAMURA: Colonizer Colonized: A Critical Study of Colonialism and Modern Japanese Literature in the Light of South Pacific Literature in English. Dorothy WONG: 'Domination by Consent': A Study of Shakespeare in Hong Kong. Thomas Y.T. LUK: Post-colonialism and Contemporary Hong Kong Theatre: Two Case-studies. Kwok-kan TAM: Identity on the Bridge: Double (De)colonization in the Hong Kong Poet Gu Cangwu. Bernadette REY-MIMOSO RUIZ: Visages réinventés de l'Inde: le colonialisme de l'imaginaire. Tabish KHAIR: Caste in Indian English Fiction. P.P. RAVEENDRAN: Colonialism in Reverse: History, Territory and the Self in Indian English Poetry. Thomas WÄGENBAUR: 'East, West, Home's Best' - Homi K. Bhabha's and Salman Rushdie's Passage to 'Third Space'. Ken IRELAND: Home Internationals: Salman Rushdie, Timothy Mo, Kazuo Ishiguro. Christina CHENG MIU BING: Colonial Stereotyping and Cultural Anthropophagy. Ning WANG: 'Localization' and 'Decolonization': Contemporary Chinese Cinema. Benzi ZHANG: Orientalism Re-oriented: the Poetics/Politics of Performing Cultural Difference. AMERICAN MEMORIES/SOUVENIRS AMÉRICAINS. Amaryll CHANADY: Cultural Memory and the New World Imaginary. Rose Anna MUELLER: Gonzalo Guerrero and the Discourse of Colonialism. Dulce Maria Viana MINDLIN: In the Father's Shadow. Ingrid van ALMSICK: Gioconda Belli: Révolution et utopie dans la littérature nicaraguayenne contemporaine - le retour aux sources indiennes. Maria Teresa de FREITAS: Exotisme et cosmopolitisme: images du Brésil dans l'oeuvre de Blaise Cendrars. Erdmute Wenzel WHITE: Cultural Memory and Decolonization: Brazil 1924-1928. Myriam AVILA: Guimarães Rosa and the Look of the Foreigner in Travel Literature. Gentil de FARIA: Comparative Literature Below the Equator: the Cultural Dilemma of Choosing the Best Colonizer. A. James ARNOLD: Spider and Rabbit: Tricksters As Mediators of Caribbean Cultural Identity. Francesca NERI: Modern Versus Postmodern Models of Identity in Caribbean Literature. Wolfgang CZIESLA: Haiti: Government Terror and Resistance, the Duvalier Regime in Novels by Graham Greene and René Depestre. Doris HAMBUCH: 'Rester au pays natal': Derek Walcott's meros and Edouard Glissant's Les Indes. Maria Christina RODRIGUEZ: The Construction of the Imaginary Homeland: Migrating Women in Novels by Caribbean Women Writers. Elizabeth DAHAB: Francophonie en exil et littératures mineures: le cas du Québec. AFRICAN MEMORIES/SOUVENIRS AFRICAINS. Jonathan HART: The Example of Spain: French and English Representations of the Spanish in the New World. Maria Theresia PINTO COELHO: The Image of the Portuguese in the British Novel of Empire: King Solomon's Mines and Prester John. Virginie KOUASSI AFFOUE: Identité métisse, identité problématique. Gabriel SORO: La problématique de l'intellectuel et de la mentalité de colonisé dans l'Afrique post-coloniale: l'exemple de Courses d'Amadou Koné. Anny WYNCHANK: De la scène à l'écran: perception de l'Afrique post-coloniale par le cinéaste sénégalais Djibril Diop Mambéty dans son film Hyènes. Jeanne-Marie CLERC: Du cinéma à la littérature: naissance d'une écriture 'métisse' chez Assia Djebar, romancière et première femme cinéaste algérienne. Liesbeth KORTHALS ALTES: Identité, mémoire, fantasme dans L'amour, la fantasia de Assia Djebar. Yvette BENAYOUN-SZMIDT: De la contiguité à l'espacement, de la fusion au schisme: traversées interculturelles chez Elisa Chimenti et Sapho. Pieter CONRADIE: The Story of Eva (Krotoa): Transgresion Translated. Dirk KLOPPER: Black Residue: Identity, Otherness and the Crisis of Self-representation in the Poetry of Arthur Nortje. James McCORKLE: Cannibalizing Texts: Space, Memory, and the Colonial in J.M. Coetzee's Foe. Reingard NETHERSOLE: Places of the Past As Sites of Cultural Self-constitution and Preservation: the Case of Es'kia Mphahlele's Father Come Home and André Brink's The First Life of Adamastor. Frederike OLIVIER: Decolonizing the Patriarch - A Reading of Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples. EUROPEAN MEMORIES/SOUVENIRS EUROPÉENS. Andrew HISCOCK: Passionate Imperialism: the Politics of Desire in Behn's Abdelazer and Racine's Bajazet. Thomas SCHWARZ: Colonialism and Exoticism: A Special Evolution of German Literature? Duarte MIMOSO-RUIZ: Du miel des colonisateurs portugais aux cendres des colonisés: messianisme sébastianiste et salazarisme au regard de la littérature. Roumiana DELTCHEVA: East Central Europe As a Post-coloniality: the Prose of Viktor Paskov. Sandra PONZANESI: Comparing Minority Discourses: Shadows in Italian Literature. Najib REDOUANE: De l'espace identitaire à l'espace d'exil ou la belgicité chez deux romancières: Evelyn Wilwert et Leïla Houari. Nasr ABU-ZAYD: The Image of Europe in Modern Egyptian Narrative.