The concept of trade is certainly one of the oldest and most important in the history of human civilisation. It has its origins in bartering. For centuries, barter was the only means of exchanging goods and services in ancient civilisations such as the Egypt of the Pharaohs. Then, with the advent of money, it was modernised to give rise to trade with monetary exchange as we know it in our modern societies. Trade has always been a vector of growth and prosperity for towns and cities. One of the most edifying examples of this is the Silk Road. The Silk Road, as a trade route, was first mentioned between the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC in Chinese, Greek and Roman accounts. According to J. BEAUJEU- GARNIER, Professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, "Trade is closely linked to all forms of human society. It reflects its characteristics and helps to shape its development". Today, the relationship between commerce and the city is a major concern for public authorities.