For courses in Introduction to Communication that take a mainstream rather than a survey approach
A five-principles approach that helps students build practical communication skills
Communication: Principles for a Lifetime was designed to address the biggest challenge when teaching Introduction to Communication: how to present the variety of fundamental theory and skills without overwhelming learners. By organizing the text around five key principles of communication, authors Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, and Diana Ivy help students to see the interplay among communication concepts, skills, and contexts. The sixth edition retains this successful five-principles framework, and adds updated content and a new learning architecture that better helps students build, and use, strong communication skills—in the course and beyond.
MyCommunicationLab not included. Students, if MyCommunicationLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyCommunicationLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
MyCommunicationLab for the Introduction to Communication course extends learning online, engaging students and improving results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they’ve learned. Please note: this version of MyCommunicationLab does not include an eText.
Features + Benefits
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
A framework that fosters deep understanding throughout the course
To help students understand and remember the essential concepts of the course, Communication: Principles for a Lifetime is organized around five fundamental communication principles:
1. Be aware of your communication with yourself and others.
2. Effectively use and interpret verbal messages.
3. Effectively use and interpret nonverbal messages.
4. Listen and respond thoughtfully to others.
5. Appropriately adapt messages to others.
These principles are introduced and explained early in the text, and are referred to throughout the later chapters as students learn about interpersonal relationships, group and team discussions, and public presentations. Marginal icons remind students when one of the five principles is particularly relevant, and help them make connections between core concepts and practical applications. This principles-centered framework helps students see the “big picture,” and understand the role and importance of communication — both as they sit in the classroom and as they live their lives.
Features that highlight the relevance of course concepts
• Communication & Technology features highlight the impact that new technology can have upon our communication with others. The prevalence of technology in students’ lives offers powerful teachable moments to help students learn and apply communication principles.
• Communication & Ethics features encourage students to consider the ethical dimensions of human communication. The cases and questions posed in these features are designed to be thought-provoking, to spark insightful class discussion, or to be used in combination with a journal assignment or other learning method to help students see connections between ethics and communication.
• A Communication & Diversity feature in each chapter helps students see the importance of communicating effectively with members of diverse groups throughout their lives.
• NEW! Revised Developing Your Speech Step by Step features in the public speaking chapters walk students through the process of designing and delivering a speech.
Updated tools and content that boost engagement
• NEW! In order to present the most up-to-date information as effectively as possible, the sixth edition has been redesigned and updated in a number of ways.
• A fresh design with many new photos and cartoons draws today’s visual learners into the text.
• The addition of contemporary examples makes concepts relatable, helping students see the relevance of course material to their own lives.
• The sixth edition features significantly updated and expanded research, incorporating the latest findings about human communication principles and skills.
• Two new speeches in Appendix B model best practices in public speaking.
• NEW! An enhanced learning architecture better guides students through each chapter.
• Updated learning objectives at the start of each chapter provide students with advance organizers and reading goals for approaching the chapter. New to this edition, the learning objectives reappear at key points in the chapter to help students gauge their progress and monitor their learning.
• Updated chapter-ending study guides revisit the learning objectives and key terms, helping students master course material and apply concepts to their own lives.
MyCommunicationLab not included. Students, if MyCommunicationLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyCommunicationLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
MyCommunicationLab for the Introduction to Communication course extends learning online, engaging students and improving results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they’ve learned. Please note: this version of MyCommunicationLab does not include an eText.
• An overhauled design allows easier start-up and navigation for you and your students. This new, easier-to-use system makes creating and personalizing assignments more intuitive. The robust gradebook enables powerful reporting so you can measure and document your students' learning outcomes.
• MediaShare offers an easy, mobile way for students and instructors to interact and engage with speeches, visual aids, group projects, and other files. Video capture allows instructors and students to record video directly from tablets, phones, or webcams, and tag submissions to a specific student or assignment. Uploaded files are available for viewing, commenting, and grading by instructors and class members. In order to improve student skills, MediaShare gives instructors the tools to provide contextual feedback on specific assignments. Instructors can create and customize rubrics around their classroom goals, learning outcomes, or department initiatives.
• PersonalityProfile allows students to evaluate their communication style. With PersonalityProfile, instructors can show learning and growth over the duration of the course.
• Writing Space provides everything you need to foster better writing, all in one place. It's a single place to create, track, and grade writing assignments, provide writing resources, and exchange meaningful, personalized feedback with students, quickly and easily. And thanks to integration with Turnitin®, Writing Space can check students’ work for improper citation or plagiarism.
1. Identifying Foundations of Human Communication
2. Exploring Self-Awareness and Communication
3. Understanding Verbal Messages
4. Understanding Nonverbal Messages
5. Listening and Responding
6. Adapting to Others: Diversity and Communication
7. Understanding Interpersonal Communication
8. Enhancing Relationships
9. Understanding Group and Team Performance
10. Enhancing Group and Team Performance
11. Developing Your Speech
12. Organizing and Outlining Your Speech
13. Delivering Your Speech
14. Speaking to Inform
15. Speaking to Persuade
A. Interviewing
B. Sample Speeches for Discussion and Evaluation
A five-principles approach that helps students build practical communication skills
Communication: Principles for a Lifetime was designed to address the biggest challenge when teaching Introduction to Communication: how to present the variety of fundamental theory and skills without overwhelming learners. By organizing the text around five key principles of communication, authors Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, and Diana Ivy help students to see the interplay among communication concepts, skills, and contexts. The sixth edition retains this successful five-principles framework, and adds updated content and a new learning architecture that better helps students build, and use, strong communication skills—in the course and beyond.
MyCommunicationLab not included. Students, if MyCommunicationLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyCommunicationLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
MyCommunicationLab for the Introduction to Communication course extends learning online, engaging students and improving results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they’ve learned. Please note: this version of MyCommunicationLab does not include an eText.
Features + Benefits
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
A framework that fosters deep understanding throughout the course
To help students understand and remember the essential concepts of the course, Communication: Principles for a Lifetime is organized around five fundamental communication principles:
1. Be aware of your communication with yourself and others.
2. Effectively use and interpret verbal messages.
3. Effectively use and interpret nonverbal messages.
4. Listen and respond thoughtfully to others.
5. Appropriately adapt messages to others.
These principles are introduced and explained early in the text, and are referred to throughout the later chapters as students learn about interpersonal relationships, group and team discussions, and public presentations. Marginal icons remind students when one of the five principles is particularly relevant, and help them make connections between core concepts and practical applications. This principles-centered framework helps students see the “big picture,” and understand the role and importance of communication — both as they sit in the classroom and as they live their lives.
Features that highlight the relevance of course concepts
• Communication & Technology features highlight the impact that new technology can have upon our communication with others. The prevalence of technology in students’ lives offers powerful teachable moments to help students learn and apply communication principles.
• Communication & Ethics features encourage students to consider the ethical dimensions of human communication. The cases and questions posed in these features are designed to be thought-provoking, to spark insightful class discussion, or to be used in combination with a journal assignment or other learning method to help students see connections between ethics and communication.
• A Communication & Diversity feature in each chapter helps students see the importance of communicating effectively with members of diverse groups throughout their lives.
• NEW! Revised Developing Your Speech Step by Step features in the public speaking chapters walk students through the process of designing and delivering a speech.
Updated tools and content that boost engagement
• NEW! In order to present the most up-to-date information as effectively as possible, the sixth edition has been redesigned and updated in a number of ways.
• A fresh design with many new photos and cartoons draws today’s visual learners into the text.
• The addition of contemporary examples makes concepts relatable, helping students see the relevance of course material to their own lives.
• The sixth edition features significantly updated and expanded research, incorporating the latest findings about human communication principles and skills.
• Two new speeches in Appendix B model best practices in public speaking.
• NEW! An enhanced learning architecture better guides students through each chapter.
• Updated learning objectives at the start of each chapter provide students with advance organizers and reading goals for approaching the chapter. New to this edition, the learning objectives reappear at key points in the chapter to help students gauge their progress and monitor their learning.
• Updated chapter-ending study guides revisit the learning objectives and key terms, helping students master course material and apply concepts to their own lives.
MyCommunicationLab not included. Students, if MyCommunicationLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyCommunicationLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
MyCommunicationLab for the Introduction to Communication course extends learning online, engaging students and improving results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they’ve learned. Please note: this version of MyCommunicationLab does not include an eText.
• An overhauled design allows easier start-up and navigation for you and your students. This new, easier-to-use system makes creating and personalizing assignments more intuitive. The robust gradebook enables powerful reporting so you can measure and document your students' learning outcomes.
• MediaShare offers an easy, mobile way for students and instructors to interact and engage with speeches, visual aids, group projects, and other files. Video capture allows instructors and students to record video directly from tablets, phones, or webcams, and tag submissions to a specific student or assignment. Uploaded files are available for viewing, commenting, and grading by instructors and class members. In order to improve student skills, MediaShare gives instructors the tools to provide contextual feedback on specific assignments. Instructors can create and customize rubrics around their classroom goals, learning outcomes, or department initiatives.
• PersonalityProfile allows students to evaluate their communication style. With PersonalityProfile, instructors can show learning and growth over the duration of the course.
• Writing Space provides everything you need to foster better writing, all in one place. It's a single place to create, track, and grade writing assignments, provide writing resources, and exchange meaningful, personalized feedback with students, quickly and easily. And thanks to integration with Turnitin®, Writing Space can check students’ work for improper citation or plagiarism.
1. Identifying Foundations of Human Communication
2. Exploring Self-Awareness and Communication
3. Understanding Verbal Messages
4. Understanding Nonverbal Messages
5. Listening and Responding
6. Adapting to Others: Diversity and Communication
7. Understanding Interpersonal Communication
8. Enhancing Relationships
9. Understanding Group and Team Performance
10. Enhancing Group and Team Performance
11. Developing Your Speech
12. Organizing and Outlining Your Speech
13. Delivering Your Speech
14. Speaking to Inform
15. Speaking to Persuade
A. Interviewing
B. Sample Speeches for Discussion and Evaluation