The Church is called upon to become actively involved in solving the problems of individuals and society, especially at Community level from its position and with the means and methods that are specific to it. The reality of poverty, human suffering and other needs has always been problems for every state, society and church. Modern societies have their own social welfare structures and institutions based on modern social ethics and strictly functional relationships. The mission and role of the church have become disunity in the provision of social assistance services, but the Church adds Christian love and mercy, activating in this respect with its own system of social intervention.Through this book the author would like to present the involvement of the church in Community social assistance from a dual perspective, theological and sociological, without pretending to have exhausted this subject. Lect. univ. dr. Ionu Mihai Oprea also approached the issue from the point of view that he is a servant of the Romanian Orthodox Church and a teaching staff at the University of Oradea, directly involved in social assistance.