The aim of this book conceived in the context of the internationalization of the higher education, especially in the Asian direction, is to identify the best solutions in order to improve the performances of the university management by using the comparative method. More precisely, the research allows the identification of differences and similarities between the universities' activities in Romania and Cambodia, with concrete references to "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania and Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The outputs of this research are very useful in raising the awareness of those involved regarding the importance of the quality in educational process, both for the university and for the beneficiaries of the university education. The aim of the comparison is also that such interactions, partnerships and associations between universities are easy ways to exchange ideas, information and know-how in both directions, pointing out the fact that in the university management from both countries, a series of corrections can be brought in order to streamline the activities and processes which take place between university and business environment and/or society.