The current study sought to compare the parenting styles in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder with reference to normal functioning individuals. The purpose of the study was to identify kind of parenting style that may potentially induce OCD. This chapter describes the variables to be explored in the study and provides theoretical background behind these variables. Parents play a crucial role in growth of their children from birth to adulthood and put considerable effort in raising their child. The parent child relationship involves a combination of behaviors, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a specific parent and a particular child. This relationship involves the full extent of child's development as children's learning, nurturance and development starts from home, especially through interaction with parents. Several studies have examined the impact of parenting on children' development. Parenting practices adopted by parents are meant to socialize children's behaviors to fit into the society. Socialization fundamentally involves transmission of values, attitudes, roles, and other cultural products from the older generation to the younger generation.