Every cataract surgeon is afraid of complications, but while complications cannot be entirely avoided, it is possible to learn to master them. This practical handbook clearly explains how to manage the various complications that may arise during cataract surgery, from a subluxated intraocular lens to a dropped nucleus. It provides the surgeon with clear instructions on how best to proceed in the manner of a cookbook, by first describing the ingredients (equipment) and preparation (planning) and then providing step by step descriptions of technique with the aid of numerous helpful color illustrations and several accompanying surgical videos. Surgical pearls and tips and tricks are highlighted. Using this book, the reader will become a better and more complete cataract surgeon, well equipped to cope with the full range of potential complications.
"This is an excellent, illustrative overview of complications related to cataract surgery. It offers a plethora of diagrams, photographs, and pearls to help readers understand essential points. ... This is appropriate for resident cataract surgeons and those in their first 10 years of anterior segment/cataract practice. ... The step-by-step approach, along with the illustrations and photographs, make it easy to follow." (Sarah Escott, Doody's Book Reviews, May, 2015)