Gordon V. Scott : V. Scott Gordon is a computer science professor at California State University, Sacramento.Clevenger John L. : John L. Clevenger is a computer science professor at California State University, Sacramento.
1: Getting Started
2: The OpenGL Graphics Pipeline
3: Mathematical Foundations
4: Managing 3D Graphics Data
5: Texture Mapping
6: 3D Models
7: Lighting
8: Shadows
9: Sky and Backgrounds
10: Enhancing Surface Detail
11: Parametric Surfaces
12: Tessellation
13: Geometry Shaders
14: Other Techniques
15: Simulating Water
16: Ray Tracing
17: Stereoscopy
Appendix A: Installation and Setup for Windows (PC)
Appendix B: Installation and Setup for Macintosh
Appendix C: Using the Nsight Graphics Debugger
Companion Files:
(also available for downloading by writing to the publisher at info@merclearning.com)
- The source code for every program in the book, organized by chapter
- The OBJ models used in the examples, and the various texture files
- Cubemaps and skydomes for generating environments
- Height maps and normal maps for achieving realistic detail
- High resolution copies of all of the book's figures