From the reviews:
"Thomas Greene provides the home and SOHO user, and the work-at-home corporate user, a thorough, realistic assessment of the security and privacy risks they face, to instruct them in making their machines and networks unattractive targets for attack and to limit the damage an intrusion or other security snafu can cause. It is a general security and privacy handbook primarily for Window users, but ... accommodates Linux users with occasional boxed tips and sidebars." (it-expert, Issue no. 48, 2004)
"Thomas Greene provides the home and SOHO user, and the work-at-home corporate user, a thorough, realistic assessment of the security and privacy risks they face, to instruct them in making their machines and networks unattractive targets for attack and to limit the damage an intrusion or other security snafu can cause. It is a general security and privacy handbook primarily for Window users, but ... accommodates Linux users with occasional boxed tips and sidebars." (it-expert, Issue no. 48, 2004)