Part I. 'Person' in Contemporary Ethics: 1. 'Une Cátegorie de l'Esprit Humain: La Notion de Personne'
2. Meaning and criteria: person/human being
3. Moral personhood in M. Tooley and P. Singer
4. Personal identity and responsibility in D. Parfit
5. Human subject and human worth
6. Resituating personhood: embodiment and contextuality
Part II. 'Person' in Christian Perspective: 7. The relevance of history and Christology
8. Divine embodiment and temporality: is God a person?
9. Divine and human: relationality and personhood
10. Religion and morality: personhood, revelation and narrative
Part III. Implications for a Christian Ethic: 11. A communicative ethic: Hauerwas and Habermas
12. A community of ethical difference: including the 'other'
13. The logic of superabundence: an ethic of forgiving love
14. The religious ground of human rights
15. The integrity and transformation of creation