Christine Trost is Associate Researcher and Assistant Director of the Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of California, Berkeley. She is co-editor, with Matthew Grossmann, of Win the Right Way: How to Run Effective Local Campaigns in California and co-editor, with Jonathan Bernstein and Adrienne Jamieson, of Campaigning for Congress: Politicians at Home and in Washington.
Part I. Theoretical Frameworks: 1. Legal standards and ethical norms:
defining the limits of conflicts regulations Giovanni Guzzetta; 2. The
Watergate effect: or why is the ethics bar constantly rising? Denis
Saint-Martin; 3. Pluralists and republicans, rules and standards: conflicts
of interest and the California experience Karen Getman and Pamela S.
Karlan; 4. A democratized conception of political ethics Colin M. Macleod;
Part II. Cross-National Case Studies: 5. Conflict of interest legislation
in the United States: origins, evolution and inter-branch differences Bruce
E. Cain, Alison L. Gash and Mark J. Oleszek; 6. Conflict of interest in
Canada Andrew Stark; 7. Conflict of interest in British public life Gillian
Peele and Robert Kaye; 8. Conflict of interest in Italy: the case of a
media tycoon who became prime minister (2001-2006) Sergio Fabbrini.