Northern Paiute is member of the Numic branch of the Uto-Aztecan language family, spoken in parts of Nevada, California, Oregon and Idaho in the USA. It is related to Mono, also known as Numu or Paviosto. Incorporating indigenous language training into the curriculum in medical school assists in overcoming various barriers of clinical practice and learning. In 2013, Washoe County, Nevada became pioneer to offer Northern Paiute classes, initiated an elective course in the language at Spanish Springs High School. Also at Reed High School in Sparks, Nevada. Indigenous populations are more likely to suffer from poor health outcomes than other ethnic groups. Indigenous language awareness programs play a critical role at rendering optimal health care services in tribal settings. On a medical scale, in order for healthcare equality efforts to be effective, the link between the Numu language and the Numu culture, as well as the relationship between the language and the earth, must be understood in clinical and physiological context.