Whether you want a prestigious or lucrative job offer at a Fortune 500 company or startup, Conquering Interviews for Business Roles in Tech is your secret to getting hired. Learn how to dominate the most challenging interviews at companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple, even if you have little to no experience interviewing with technology companies. Feel confident and prepared for any interview by learning how to answer the 24 types of questions across business strategy, operations, product, marketing, corporate development, analytics, and finance. Save yourself valuable time by learning only the most effective, proven strategies and practicing with real interview questions. Take the first step to landing your dream job by giving yourself an unfair edge over the competition. Roles and types of questions covered: * General: case interviews, data challenges, company research questions, behavioral questions, resume questions, motivational questions * Strategy and business operations: company performance questions, growth questions, competition questions, risks and threats questions, trends questions * Product management and marketing: product improvement and design questions, product marketing questions * Business and corporate development: potential acquisition questions, valuation questions, potential partnership questions * Operations: process improvement questions, pricing questions, forecasting and capacity planning questions * Analytics: estimation questions, metrics questions * Finance: profitability questions, budget questions, finance and accounting questions
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