Introduction: balance and flux
Methodology: getting the information we need to manage living natural resources
Part I. Management to Maximize Production of Featured Species - A Utilitarian Approach to Conservation: 1. Historical context - the commodification of resources and the foundations of utilitarian resource management
2. Central concepts - population growth and interactions between populations
3. Central concepts - habitats
4. Techniques - harvest management
5. Techniques - habitat management
6. Techniques - management to minimize conflicts between pest species and people
Part II. Protection and Restoration of Populations and Habitats - A Preservationist Approach to Conservation: 7. Historical context - the rise of environmental concerns after World War II
8. Central concepts - the causes of extinction
9. Techniques - protecting and restoring species
10. Techniques - protecting and restoring ecosystems
Part III. Management to Maintain Processes and Structures - A Sustainable-Ecosystem Approach to Conservation: 11. Historical context - pressures to move beyond protection of species and reserves
12. Central concepts - the flux of nature
13. Techniques - conserving processes and contexts
14. Techniques - including people in the conservation process
Appendix: scientific names of organisms mentioned in the text