The book starts with the central observations of changing Indian lifestyles, culture and with the growing disturbance of its mother nature. The growing urbanization and its changing consumption patterns have created a noticeable change in its environment. Keeping these environmental changes as the main theme of the study, the study focuses on knowing the consumer awareness on environmental issues and its impact on green product purchase decision. This study as documented in five chapters. The first chapter describes the central theme of the research and explains the problem statement, need, objectives, hypothesis and scope of the study in the present and future sense. The second chapter reviews various definitions, concepts and the literature related to the study area. In the third chapter a clear description is given on the research design under which the present study was carried out. The fourth chapter portrays the results of the analysis, drawing specific inferences of the study. Finally, the fifth chapter states the consolidated findings of the study with relevance to the objectives and hypothesis of the study and is implications are presented.