Geoffrey P. Lantos is a Professor of Business Administration at Stonehill College in Massachusetts, where he has taught various undergraduate courses in marketing since 1986, including Consumer Behavior, Advertising Management, Marketing Research, New Product Management, and Marketing Principles. He has published journal articles, professional manuals, conference papers, book chapters, case studies, book reviews, and instructional materials in the areas of CB, marketing education, marketing ethics, corporate social responsibility, and advertising. Dr. Lantos serves as Book Review Editor for the Journal of Consumer Marketing and the Journal of Product and Brand Management.
Part I: Introduction to Consumer Behavior and Marketing Management 1.
Consumer Behavior Overview 2. Market Segmentation Part II: The Consumer
Decision-Making Process 3. Overview of Consumer Decision Making 4. Stages
in Consumer Decision Making Part III. External Sociocultural Influences on
Consumer Behavior 5. Cultural Influences 6. Subcultural Influences 7.
Social Class Influences 8. Reference Groups and Social Influences 9. Family
Influences 10. Group and Interpersonal Communications for Innovations:
Adoption and Diffusion Processes Part IV. Internal Individual Psychological
Influences on Consumer Behavior 11. Personality and Lifestyle 12.
Motivation 13. Perception and Information Processing 14. Learning and
Memory 15. Attitude Formation and Change