As part of the bachelor's degree, Transport Logistics option, I had the opportunity to do a one-year (1 year) internship in the company of my choice. Aiming to obtain a bachelor's degree in the transport logistics sector. I wanted to carry out my internship within the company SAHEL SHIPPING S.A which is a private company which exercises in the auxiliary activities of maritime transport, in particular consignment, chartering, brokerage and representation. My internship was carried out more specifically in the Transit department. The DT welcomed me from September 15, 2021 to December 15, 2022. I then joined the Transit service team in charge of monitoring and entering manifests. In order to allow the company SAHEL SHIPPING S.A. to have an ease of installation, configuration and management of the GAINDE system network, we were asked to set up equipment capable of carrying out all these operations for the company SAHEL. Given the size of the transit service, we have chosen for the simulation of our work, the nationalization of vehicles imported by sea.