Contemporary Problems of Corporate Communications This book tackles a very topical issue. Communication skills are some of the most important skills one should have to succeed in the workplace and in communicating with colleagues and business partners. Communications require certain competences that will guarantee their efficiency. Based on an analysis of the process of communication the author defines the skills required to remove the existing barriers and problems (both objective and subjective) and the steps of the effective communication process the "7 C's" principle. The author proposes certain guidelines for improving the process of communication and substantiates the need for new strategic management tools such as the BSC that can improve employees' communicative skills. The author also proposes a template for corporate Codes of Ethics based on company's values and containing various principles, guidelines, performance requirements, codes of conduct and communication. Withthis book the author aims to challenge organizations to train their employees in the ethical rules and codes of conduct that would help them overcome the barriers and problems in communication.