Frank M. TurnerContesting Cultural Authority
Essays in Victorian Intellectual Life
Part I. Shifting Boundaries: 1. The religious and the secular in Victorian Britain
2. Cultural apostasy and the foundations of Victorian intellectual life
3. The crisis of faith and the faith that was lost
4. The secularization of the social vision of British natural theology
Part II. Science and the Wider Culture: 5. Victorian scientific naturalism and Thomas Carlyle
6. Rainfall, plagues, and the Prince of Wales
7. The Victorian conflict between science and religion: a professional dimension
8. Public science in Britain: 1880-1919
Part III. Moderns and Ancients: 9. British politics and the demise of the Roman public: 1700-1939
10. Ancient materialism and modern science: Lucretius among the Victorians
11. Virgil in Victorian classical contexts
12. The triumph of idealism in Victorian classical studies