Neil Thompson, PhD, DLitt, professor, Wrexham Glyndwr University
"Continuing Bonds in Bereavement is a large buffet covering various aspects of continuing relationships with deceased loved ones. Created by expert chefs, the dishes cover theory, therapeutic experiences (with transcripts that are very moving), forgiveness, after-death communications, religion, and culture. Choose what interests you. Digest. Learn. Grow."
Lillian Range, PhD, professor of psychology and counseling, University of Holy Cross
"A powerful concept demands extensive explanation and theoretical exploration. This encyclopedia-like volume does just that for continuing bonds and will serve as a benchmark reference for ongoing study and research."
Douglas J. Davies, PhD, DLitt, Hon Dr Theol, professor in the study of religion, director of Centre for Death and Life Studies, Durham University
"Finally, a pithy comprehensive synthesis of evolving bereavement theories, practices, and paradoxes inherent in the continuing bond paradigms. This timely anthology further equips therapists, educators, and even the grieving with diverse cultural and digital modes of expression applicable in our professional and personal lives."
Sandra L. Bertman, PhD, FT, author, Grief and the Healing Arts: Creativity as Therapy