This study presents to readers, conversational implicature of interactions in the daily Newspapers' Review of Bi o du n-Ka yo de , a duo Yoru ba famous radio presenters in southwestern Nigeria whose style and art of presentations have influenced positively, the desire and likeness of the people for their mother tongue. Not only that, their works serve as an inspiration and the basis on which this research is conducted. The study is of two faces; the first part examines politeness strategies employed in the Newspapers' Review of Bi o du n-Ka yo de to investigate the compliance of Yoru ba language with universals in language use in relation to politeness in social interaction. The second part of the study examines certain peculiarities in social interactions with regards to politeness in the light of Yoru ba culture using selected Yoru ba proverbs. Grice's Conversational Implicature Theory and Politeness Principles of Brown and Levinson form the theoretical frameworks on which the study is based.