Hurricane Harvey tragically takes the lives of ten-year old Jack Miller's parents, leaving him and his grandparents trying to make sense of the catastrophic event and navigate life through a series of challenging circumstances. Jack learns the meaning of "convertible" - able to change - as he takes conversational rides with "Pops." Jack experiences anger, nightmares, confusion, doubts, and fears...most being directed at God. With Jack, you'll experience the horror of witnessing a murder, the joys of helping others, romance, and inevitable end-of-life concerns for his grandparents. In Convertible Conversations you'll connect with Jack: a gifted sketch artist and musical prodigy - playing drums, composing, forming a band, and developing a multi-media jazz concert that introduces people to God's UNconditional love. An over-arching theme of grace, reconciliation and forgiveness permeates the story, culminated with an unexpected climactic event that tests the Miller's relationship with God.
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