"Why does not my writing cooperate?" is a frequently
asked question by the learners of foreign languages.
The answer is most of the time related to
"coherence". Coherence in written discourse has been
a problematic concept for both many Foreign Language
Teachers and students when teaching/learning to write
in the target language. Besides, it is considered as
a crucial part of academic written discourse, which
students are expected to master to be able to pursue
their academic studies. The study in this book
examined how much the coherence-related
difficulties/problems of Turkish EFL students in
writing English essays (i.e target language) are
related to the problems in writing Turkish essays
(i.e. Mother Tongue). The subjects for the study in
this book were chosen from the upper-intermediate
level students at the Preparatory Program in an
English-medium University, Istanbul Bilgi University,
in Turkey. For a detailed understanding of the nature
of the coherence-related difficulties/problems of
students Turkish and English essays, this book used
a pragmatic analysis, involving the use of Grice s
Cooperative Principle and maxims and sub-maxims of
asked question by the learners of foreign languages.
The answer is most of the time related to
"coherence". Coherence in written discourse has been
a problematic concept for both many Foreign Language
Teachers and students when teaching/learning to write
in the target language. Besides, it is considered as
a crucial part of academic written discourse, which
students are expected to master to be able to pursue
their academic studies. The study in this book
examined how much the coherence-related
difficulties/problems of Turkish EFL students in
writing English essays (i.e target language) are
related to the problems in writing Turkish essays
(i.e. Mother Tongue). The subjects for the study in
this book were chosen from the upper-intermediate
level students at the Preparatory Program in an
English-medium University, Istanbul Bilgi University,
in Turkey. For a detailed understanding of the nature
of the coherence-related difficulties/problems of
students Turkish and English essays, this book used
a pragmatic analysis, involving the use of Grice s
Cooperative Principle and maxims and sub-maxims of