Harmony or occlusion acts as a central pillar in our working lives so much so that it almost takes a mystic importance and attracts a cult like devotion. Occlusion forms the essential component of our masticatory system and its relation with periodontal disease has often been studied and debated for long. Any tooth contact that inhibits the remaining occluding surfaces from achieving stable and harmonious contacts is known as occlusal interference which alters the periodontium. Thus the demand for managing occlusal trauma prior to and definitive periodontal treatment arises. Coronoplasty is the mechanical elimination of occlusal supracontacts that may be present during functional movements. It has remained an ignored and perhaps over-looked procedure by clinicians. This book is an attempt to make dental fraternity aware about the importance of coronoplasy in dentistry so that it can be exploited for the betterment of the patients.