Klement Podnar (PhD) is a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, where he teaches Corporate Communication, Basics of Visual Communication and Marketing. He serves on several editorial boards of international journals and is as an associate editor of the Journal of Promotion Management. His research has been published in a number of international journals including: Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Corporate Communication: An International Journal, and Journal of Marketing Communications. Klement Podnar is the organizer of several international conferences and cofounder of the International CSR communication conference.
1.Corporate Communication Framework 2.Corporate Identity 3.Corporate Brand
and Branding 4.Employer Branding 5.Ethical Branding and Corporate Social
Responsibility 6.Stakeholder Management and Communications 7.Storytelling
and Issue Management in Times of Change and Crises 8.Corporate
Communications 9.Corporate Associations: Identity Traits and Corporate
Image 10.Corporate Associations: Reputation and Trust 11.Organizational
Identification 12.Organizational Commitment and Social Acceptability