Has the construction of a European level playing
field in terms of policy solutions in the merger
control field led to a de facto standardisation of
European corporate modes of representation? This
study challenges scholars who have predicted the
development of a European mode of representation
that would accompany the shift of competences from
the national to the European level of governance.
The conclusions of this study show differences in
corporate political strategies along national lines,
although a certain degree of convergence can be
identified. There are traditional tendencies in
choosing strategies although the efficiency of
strategies can be assessed case-by-case.
field in terms of policy solutions in the merger
control field led to a de facto standardisation of
European corporate modes of representation? This
study challenges scholars who have predicted the
development of a European mode of representation
that would accompany the shift of competences from
the national to the European level of governance.
The conclusions of this study show differences in
corporate political strategies along national lines,
although a certain degree of convergence can be
identified. There are traditional tendencies in
choosing strategies although the efficiency of
strategies can be assessed case-by-case.