Recent Supreme Court decisions in Citizens United and other high-profile cases have sparked disagreement about the role of corporations in American democracy. Bringing together scholars of history, law, and political science, Corporations and American Democracy provides essential grounding for today's policy debates.
This is a stellar work that sets out a sophisticated and cutting-edge take on the story of the corporation. The essays do not just tell the story: the writers back it up by providing substantial accumulations of data and historical material. The result is a volume that is a vastly important contribution to the field. It will instantly become the go-to one-volume treatment of the history of the corporation in the United States.
-- John Fabian Witt, author of Lincoln's Code: The Laws of War in American History
Corporations and American Democracy explains crucial dimensions of how business has shaped our politics. As we confront serious challenges to democratic norms, this collection of trenchant essays provides scholars, decision-makers, and citizens with indispensable historical perspective on current dilemmas and policy options.
-- Edward J. Balleisen, author of Fraud: An American History from Barnum to Madoff
-- John Fabian Witt, author of Lincoln's Code: The Laws of War in American History
Corporations and American Democracy explains crucial dimensions of how business has shaped our politics. As we confront serious challenges to democratic norms, this collection of trenchant essays provides scholars, decision-makers, and citizens with indispensable historical perspective on current dilemmas and policy options.
-- Edward J. Balleisen, author of Fraud: An American History from Barnum to Madoff