César Esteban is a lecturer in the Department of Astrophysics, and researcher at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
Ramón García López is a lecturer in the Department of Astrophysics, and researcher at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
Artemio Herreo is a lecturer in the Department of Astrophysics, and researcher at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
Francisco Sánchez is Director of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
1. Primordial alchemy: from the Big Bang to the present Universe G. Steigman
2. Stellar nucleosynthesis N. Langer
3. Obervational aspects of stellar nucleosynthesis D. L. Lambert
4. Abundance determinations in HII regions and planetary nebulae G. Stasinska
5. Element abundances in nearby galaxies D. R. Garnett
6. Chemical evolution of galaxies and intracluster medium F.Matteucci
7. Element abundances through the cosmic ages M. Pettini.