CPA Business Environment & Concepts Exam Secrets helps you ace the Certified Public Accountant Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive CPA Business Environment & Concepts Exam Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. CPA Business Environment & Concepts Exam Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to CPA Exam Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; A comprehensive Content review including: Partnership, Corporations, Sole Proprietorship, Microeconomics, Demand, Supply, Market Equilibrium, Cost of Production, Production, Macroeconomics, Aggregate Demand and Supply, Business Cycles, Economic Measures, Monetary Policy, International Trade, Foreign Exchange Rate, Industry Analysis, Developing and Implementing Strategies, Characteristics of Computer Systems, Internet, Financial Management, Risk Management and Capital Budgeting, Performance Measures, and much more...
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