Cephalometric standards of one ethnic group need not apply to other ethnic groups. This study evaluated lateral cephalometric craniofacial changes between 7-10 years & differences between genders for children of Suttur. The linear increase in SNA & SNB from 7-10 years was significant. ANB, A-NPog, A:ss-n-pg there was linear decrease from 7-10 years. Mean basal vertical measurements of PFH, PFH/AFH, Jaw relation & N:Ans there was linear increase in measurement from 7-10 years. Mean values of Jaw relation, Maxillary Inclination & Mandibular Inclination decreased from 7-10 years. Jaw angle was found to be significant change when compared between the genders over years. Mean values of Co-Gn increased from 7-10 years & was significant. Mean dental measurements of U1-NA, U1-NL, U1-Protrusion, U1-Inclination, L1-Inclination, suggested highly significant change over years. Changes in cranial base measurements from 7-10 years suggest continuous growth & remodeling changes of cranial base structures during these years. Growth changes seen in this study is very useful data of Craniofacial changes in Rural Residential School children of Suttur.