Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin: Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin, Ph.D. is the Training Director of the Narrative Therapy program at Bay Area Family Therapy Training Associates (BAFTTA) where she supervises the counseling of doctoral interns in schools from three school districts in Silicon Valley, California. She has published numerous professional articles, has been featured in several magazines such as the California Educator and Educational Leadership, and is known internationally for her entertaining, thought provoking, and inspiring workshops. She lives in Silicon Valley, CA. Maureen Taylor: Maureen Taylor is an educator in Northern California. Her background includes teaching preschool through sixth grade and being an environmental educator. Her main interests lie in teaching science and writing, two subjects that gently unfold for the learner. Taylor is currently developing a program for children blending art, environmental education, and social issues.
About the Authors
1. Understanding the Different Experiences of Teachers and Principals
2. Creating an Environment for Change
3. Typical School Culture Problems and Their Effects
4. When Serious Problems Divide the Staff
5. Changing Staff Habits Without Conflict
6. Preventing Problems and Creating a Climate of Support
7. Practices That Support a Caring School Culture
8. Working With Parents and Volunteers
Conclusion: Questions and Answers
Resource A: Glossary
Resource B: Staff Development Activities
Resource C: Summary of School Climate Problems and Practices That Prevent
Resource D: Job Satisfaction Survey
Resource E: Teacher Survey
Resource F: Principal Interview Protocol