Do micro-finance clients mismanage their loan or are the demands of micro-finance institutions too high? To be able to reduce the inefficiency of micro-finance,it is important to identify the problem.Therefore, this report is a contribution to clarify the problem by focusing on micro-finance clients' credit management skills. Credit management skills of clients(borrowers)can be expressed by : cash management, purchase management,inventory management and sales management. The outcome of this research provides the impression of micro-finance clients in general and particularly their credit management skills.It is important to note the significance of credit management skills on effective utilization of loans in order to improve credit clients' livelihood.This is because provision of credit facility is necessary but not a guarantee for a success in poverty reduction. The major purpose of the study is to assess the credit management skills of micro-finance clients (i.e borrowers) of DECSI(Dedebit credit and saving institution) micro-finance clients (i.e. borrowers) in order to assess their ability and willingness to repay their loan on time.