Criminal Psychology Thriller: The Eye in the Shadows In the shadows of a seemingly ordinary campus, something dark and sinister lurks. Fang Mu, a third-year law student, stumbles into a nightmare when his close friend is found dead in the university's old dormitory. What begins as an isolated tragedy soon spirals into a series of chilling incidents, each one wrapped in a web of mystery and dread. As Fang Mu is reluctantly pulled into the investigation, he finds himself caught in a twisted game of cat and mouse, navigating secrets that go deeper than anyone imagines. Underneath the surface lies a hidden world of manipulation, betrayal, and psychological warfare-where the lines between friend and foe blur, and the darkness in others mirrors his own. But the truth comes at a price. As Fang Mu uncovers secrets that no one else dares to face, he must confront the shadows within himself. How far will he go to find answers? And when the final piece of the puzzle is revealed, will Fang Mu escape the horrors that lie waiting in the dark-or become their next victim? Perfect for fans of gripping psychological thrillers, this novel invites you to step into the shadows, where each revelation is more shocking than the last. Will you dare to follow Fang Mu's journey and uncover "The Eye in the Shadows"?
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