Critical Discourse Stylistics provides an alternative
text processing approach to discourse analysis and
stylistics studies with differentiating features in
the way that it aims to relate functions of
linguistic structures to certain value systems,
beliefs, taken-for-granted assumptions- in short,
ideology- in society. Therefore, in this approach,
the emphasis is on lying bare what is ideologically
embedded in linguistic structures.
Critical Discourse Stylistics in Practice is a study
of style, integrating a critical perspective in
literary discourse analysis, as it investigates,
describes, and specifies the linguistic and
extra-linguistic structures that Sabahattin Ali chose
to use in the production of the overall ideological
message communicated through his stories.
Critical Discourse Stylistics in Practice offers a
useful medium of discourse analysis not only for a
wide range of academicians since it relates analysis
of literature to particular worldviews, ideologies
through a detailed study of the practices and choices
of language use but also for common readers as it
will provide them with the means of critical reading
of works of literature.
text processing approach to discourse analysis and
stylistics studies with differentiating features in
the way that it aims to relate functions of
linguistic structures to certain value systems,
beliefs, taken-for-granted assumptions- in short,
ideology- in society. Therefore, in this approach,
the emphasis is on lying bare what is ideologically
embedded in linguistic structures.
Critical Discourse Stylistics in Practice is a study
of style, integrating a critical perspective in
literary discourse analysis, as it investigates,
describes, and specifies the linguistic and
extra-linguistic structures that Sabahattin Ali chose
to use in the production of the overall ideological
message communicated through his stories.
Critical Discourse Stylistics in Practice offers a
useful medium of discourse analysis not only for a
wide range of academicians since it relates analysis
of literature to particular worldviews, ideologies
through a detailed study of the practices and choices
of language use but also for common readers as it
will provide them with the means of critical reading
of works of literature.