Leslie S. Kaplan is a retired teacher, school counselor, and school and district-level administrator and is currently a full-time education writer. She serves on the editorial board of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Bulletin. She is a 2014 National Education Finance Academy Distinguished Fellow of Research and Practice. William A. Owings is a Professor of Educational Leadership at Old Dominion University, USA. He serves as co-Treasurer of the National Education Finance Academy, is on the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Education Finance, and is a 2014 National Education Finance Academy Distinguished Fellow of Research and Practice.
1. Critical Resource Theory 2. Critical Resource Theory's "Family Tree" 3.
Critical Resource Theory and Education Funding Inequities 4. From
Courthouse to Schoolhouse: Determining School Funding Equity and Adequacy
5. Colorism, Caste, Structural Racism, and Racial Colorblindness 6.
Education: Socializing Children for American Democracy