V. Street (ed.)Cross-Cultural Approaches to Literacy
Herausgeber: Street, Brian V.
Introduction: the new literacy studies Brian Street; Part I. The
Incorporation of Literacy Into The Communicative Repertoire: l. Conceptions
and uses of literacy in a Papua New Guinean village Don Kulick and
Christopher Stroud; 2. Literacy and feelings: the encoding of affect in
Nukulaelae letters Niko Besnier; 3. The uses of schooling and literacy in a
Zafimaniny village Maurice Bloch; 4. Arabic literacy and enlightenment
among the Mende of Sierra Leone Caroline Bledsoe and Kenneth M. Robey; Part
II. Local Literacies and National Politics: Ethnicity, Gender and Religion:
5. Literacy and cultural identity in the Horn of Africa: the Somali case I.
M. Lewis; 6. Gender, language and the politics of literacy Kathleen
Rockhill; 7. Literacy, development and ethnicity: an Alaskan example
Stephen Reder and Karen Reed Wikelund; 8. The letter and the spirit:
literacy and religious authority in the history of the Aladura movement in
western Nigeria Peter Probst; Part III. Literacy Variation in Urban
Settings: 9. Vernacular writing: varieties of literacy among Philadelphia
high school students Miriam Camitta; l0. Collaborative writing;
appropriating power or reproducing authority? Amy Shuman; ll. Literacy and
social process: a community in transition Gail Weinstein-Shr; l2. Mediators
of literacy and community interpreters Mike Baynam.