The term motor is derived from the relationship of a nerve or nerve fiber to the one that connects the Central Nervous System with muscles through their convections the movements results. Effective motor movement can only results if there is harmonious working of the muscular and the nervous system. It helps in keeping a greater distance between fatigue and peak performance. The activities that involve hanging, jumping, dodging, leaping, kicking, bending, throwing enables a person to perform his daily work much effectively without reaching a point of wearing out, so quickly Effective motor movement can only results if there is harmonious working of the muscular and the nervous system. Motor skill learning, cognitive and perceptual development have been assessed separated as they are viewed as independent of each other. Motor control, cognition and perceptual have neurological base, hence in the present investigation, effect of perceptual and cognitive ability on motor learning was analysed in the light of cultural diversities among adolescent boys.