The use of pedicle screw as a fixation device for posterior spinal fusion surgery had become increasingly popular worldwide. Transpedicular screw fixation systems provide the most stability in an unstable spine and they are the only spinal fixation system that transfix all three spinal columns and resist spinal motion in all planes. An accurate knowledge of the pedicle osteometry is of utmost importance for a safe transpedicular screw placement. Improperly placed screw will lead to devastating neurological consequences to the patient especially in the thoracic spine. Thoracic transpedicular fixation is difficult in Asians because of the smaller size, variable pedicle entrance point, and more proximity to the spinal cord and neurovascular structures. Thoracic spinal surgery in Malaysia are performed based on the data of Caucasian population. Therefore, a complete database of the morphology of the thoracic vertebrae particularly the dimensions of thoracic pedicle is much needed to provide a safety margin in transpedicular fixation in our population. The results would also provide information for improvement in the design of pedicle screws suitable for the local population.